
Only we meet, we can start to understand each other人类之间的理解、爱和关怀,一切都始于初相见。让我们抽空见见,一切疑团迎刃而解。

Only we meet, we can start to understand each other人类之间的理解、爱和关怀,一切都始于初相见。让我们抽空见见,一切疑团迎刃而解。
Only we meet, we can start to understand each other
If you have time, please come join me next meeting where east meets west, then we can talk about the opportunities.
We have held a few meetings so far, many people have participated in the meetings, we meet, talk, discuss, opportunities, care, and love are spreading, thanks for all their efforts.
Many friends ask me to hold this event during the weekend as Monday is not a good day for them to meet, so I decide to hold one meeting the coming Saturday (November 24th, 2018) from 2:00 to 3:00pm.
I will be at Bridlewood Mall food court waiting for you. No registration required just show up and find me.
I have invited many of my friends in WeChat, LinkedIn, Facebook. I try to focus on the talk about business opportunity, personal / business development, investment opportunity.
The event is free (it is recommended you to buy a cup of coffee for yourself there as we are using the place)
If you have time, please come and we can have a face to face talk. When people meet and talk, people start to know each other and love and care will spread.
Bridlewood Mall is located: 2900 Warden Ave. (at Finch) Scarborough, Ontario M1W 2S8
I see you there.
Oliver Hua
由于很多朋友反映周一不是一个合适的时间,本人从善如流,决定本周六举办一次海庆之友线下交流咖啡时光。下午两点到三点在Bridlewood Mall的楼下麦当劳前面的food court举行,我会在那里等待大家。地址:2900 Warden Ave. (at Finch) Scarborough, Ontario M1W 2S8
Bridlewood Mall里面有图书馆、超市、健身房以及各种商店餐馆等,气氛和谐老少皆宜。大家可以随便聚聚,畅谈理想交流感情集思广益共同发展。海庆电话:6474680166无需费用,饮食自理,在foodcourt的环境里比较自由的,不需要购买食物或买杯咖啡就可以小坐休息交谈。

