
12 Things You Probably Don’t Know About Investing in Toronto Real Estate

As a real estate professional, we work with a lot of investors and our favourite part of the job is helping guide them to make solid and profitable decisions. Whether you’re just considering getting on the real estate ladder, or you’re a seasoned investor, read on to find out 12 Things You (probably) Don’t Know About Investing in Toronto Real Estate.
1 – If you’re buying an investment, it’s all about the math – don’t let emotions get in the way. I know, granite counters and bamboo floors are awesome, but how much they add to the monthly rent? Real estate investing really does come down to numbers, and it’s not just price that matters. How much are the condo fees? How much are the taxes? What kind of maintenance should you expect? What kind of rent can you expect? An agent experienced in investments will be able to guide you to the profitable ones and encourage you to run from the ones that look great but don’t give the best returns.
2 – You’ll likely need a minimum 20% down payment. If the property you’re buying isn’t a primary residence (a primary residence is defined as one you live in at least six months of the year), then the bank will require you to have a bigger downpayment. In most cases, that’s 20%.
3 – The good news? In Toronto (as of writing), most investors reach the break-even point with a 20% downpayment. What does that mean? Your rent should cover your mortgage payment (at 80% financed), your taxes and your condo fees. If you can only become cash flow positive with a 30% downpayment, something is wrong with the property you’re considering- keep looking.
4 – Most lenders will consider 80% of the rental income when calculating how much you can afford. When banks decide how much mortgage they want to give you, they’ll look at your income, your debts, and your credit score. If you’re buying an income property, they’ll add 80% of the projected rental income to your income, so you’ll qualify for a bigger mortgage. Keep in mind that some lenders won’t consider rental from illegal apartments [Related: Is that Apartment Legal?] and may require an actual lease in place or an appraiser to confirm the amount of rental income that will be generated.
5 – As an investor with a downpayment of more than 20%, you’ll likely qualify for a 30-year amortization on your mortgage. This will keep your mortgage payments low (and don’t forget, you can write off the interest on your mortgage against your rental income come tax time). Example: If you have a $300,000 mortgage at a 3% interest rate amortized over 25 years, your mortgage payment is $1,362 per month. Increase the amortization to 30 years, and your payment decreases to $1,211 per month. That an extra $151 in cold hard cash flow a month!
6 – Good investment properties provide 4 ways to make money:
Monthly cash flow – During the time you have a mortgage, your monthly cash flow from the property (cash flow = rent minus expenses) is likely to be minimal. In Toronto, i’s not uncommon to see properties that are $50 or $100 cash flow positive each month, and there are plenty of investors out there who bring in less rent than their expenses (cash flow negative). Negative cash flow investors are betting on the benefits of appreciation, equity build-up and/or improvements.
Appreciation – Appreciation in an investment property is the amount it increases in value during the time you own it. The real estate market in Toronto during the last few years has been on fire, with 4-5% annual appreciation for condos and 10%+ annual appreciation for houses. Don’t be naive and think that’ll always be the case – during the time you own the property, there will likely be years of zero growth and years where prices go down too. Be prepared for that and remember that investing in real estate – like investing in the stock market – is best viewed through a long-term lens.
Equity Build-up— Every month, a portion of your mortgage is getting paid by your tenant, and you’re building up equity in the property. That $300,000 mortgage at 3% interest will have shrunk to $265,000 by the 5th year, to $216,000 by the 10th year, $160,000 by the 15th year, and so on. The difference between what it’s worth and what you owe is the equity.
Improvements – Depending on the type of property you buy and how long you keep it, there may be an opportunity to renovate and increase its value. Many house investors renovate and improve right away (for example, they may make a 2-unit house into three units, or they may upgrade the finishes to justify higher rents). Other investors will choose to renovate right before selling (this is common in the condo market). Just be careful: a $50,000 condo renovation may not pay back $50,000, so talk to your REALTOR before renovating pre-sale.
7 – Usually the best cash flow properties are the ones that are appreciating more slowly than average.  When choosing your investment property, you’ll need to give some serious consideration to your goals. For example, right now in Toronto, there are some condos that sell for less per square foot than the average, yet rent for nearly the same amount of money – so you can pay $350,000 for a condo or $400,000 for a condo and get the same amount of rent. There are lots of reasons why the $350K condo may be cheaper (location, finishes, quality of the building, supply/demand in the building, etc.) and that may impact the resale value of the condo. What’s more important to you: monthly cash flow now or long-term value?
8 – The short-term rental market is pretty much over in Toronto. While renting out properties for a few days or weeks at a time was a cash cow for years, the short-term rental market’s days are numbered in Toronto, at least for serious investors [Related: How Airbnb Killed the Short-term Rental Market].
9 – There are three kinds of taxes you’ll need to consider when buying an investment property:
Land Transfer Taxes – There are two types of land transfer taxes: Ontario and Toronto (if you buy in the city of Toronto). Land transfer taxes are paid by the Buyer when they take possession of the property and are a percentage of the sales price. Click here to calculate land transfer tax. [Related: All About Land Transfer Taxes]
Income Tax on the rental income – Rental income is considered taxable, and the net profit you make will be added to your income and taxed. The good news is you can write off a lot of expenses to decrease your profit (mortgage interest, property management fees, condo fees, utilities, etc.).
Capital Gains taxes – When you sell your investment property, you’ll be subject to capital gains taxes. At the time of writing, capital gains taxes are 50% of profit, meaning that 50% of the profit you make (after selling expenses) will be added to your income and taxed at your regular income tax rate.
For Example:
Purchase price : $400,000
Sold price: $500,000
Costs to sell: $25,000
Gain in value = $500,000-$400,000- $25,000  = $75,000
Under current capital gains rules, an investor would pay taxes on 50% of the $75,000 profit.
There are lots of intricacies when it comes to taxes, so make sure to talk to your accountant to determine your individual tax scenario.
10 – If you buy a duplex (a house with two apartments) and live in one of them yourself, be careful. If you live in less than 50% of the house, you’ll pay capital gains tax on the whole house and lose your primary residence tax exemption. This is one of the most-missed points, and one that could cost you tens of thousands of dollars: if you rent out more than half your house (and declare the income, and write off the expenses), when it comes time to sell, the CRA will consider it an investment property (notwithstanding #12 below) and you will pay capital gains tax on the increase in value since you bought. Again, talk to your accountant.
11 – As an investor, your qualification for government Buyer programs is limited.
The First Time Home Buyer RRSP Plan and Land Transfer Tax Rebate for first time buyers [Related: Government Programs] both only apply to your primary residence. Sorry.
12 – If you live in it, it doesn’t really count as an Investment Property from the bank’s perspective. If the house is your primary residence, even if you only live in one part of it, then you can’t run the mortgage numbers as an investment property from the bank’s perspective (although that’s usually a good thing). If there are leases in place or the bank’s appraiser can back up the potential rent from an apartment, then they may be able to use 80% of that income to reduce risk, but that’s all.


Auberge on the park 2D-2 (2 Bedrooms)

Price From * $827,000
Maintenance *
Property Tax *

Approx. Square Ft * 1069
Bedrooms * 2
Baths * 2

Starting Floor * 9th
View * NE
Occupancy *
Summer 2022


干货必读!在安省读书上万生活费学费全免?全方位了解最新 OSAP 安省学生补助项目

干货必读!在安省读书上万生活费学费全免?全方位了解最新 OSAP 安省学生补助项目

2018年 4月 18日 星期三
安省政府最新出台的 OSAP 资助项目既能让我们免费上学,还有生活费,托儿费,交通和书籍费,一台电脑费。新移民,或者刚刚拿PR卡的留学生,只要想上学更新知识,提高技能,政府都给资助。


OSAP 是什么?
OSAP全称为Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) ,它是一个安大略省政府唯一出台专门为学生上大学或大专读书所设立的学费和生活费资金补助项目。
 OSAP 资金补助都包括什么?
OSAP 资助包括学生的以下支出:
1. 学费
2. 书本费、设备和用品
3. 学校需要学生支付的所有强制费用
4. 住宿支出(仅限全职学生)
5. 儿童保育(提供给有小孩的学生)

申请 OSAP 的好处是什么?
OSAP 于2017年9月出台最新政策,
1. OSAP 资金申请流程速度快、获批时间短。从申请到获得第一笔 OSAP 补助金只需两周时间
2. 申请金额无上限。安大略省政府会评估每一个人情况和需要对给予的 OSAP 补助金额进行评估。
3. 毕业后100%不用偿还的助学金。安省政府助学项目 OSAP 中其中有 Grants 助学金项目,是安省支持学生读书进修的助学金,并非贷款,学生毕业读书后不用返还给政府
我是新移民,担心英文不好,也有机会获得 OSAP 资助吗?

新政的改革非常的显著。平均每一个学生都能成功获批 OSAP 新政的免费学费。(包括“成熟”学生、没有大专或大学文凭的成年学生)还有一些总体收入一年不足$5万加币的中低收入家庭。有小孩的学生可以通过申请 OSAP 资助获得托儿费。高收入家庭的学生也能获得更加慷慨的贷款和学费资助。

有谁能够申请 OSAP 补助?
1. 加拿大公民 Canadian Citizens
2. 加拿大永久居民 Permanent Residents
新移民Second Career没有申请到但想提高自身既能的人都可以申请到高昂的安省学生资金补助
4. 被保护的公民(难民等)Protected Persons
新 OSAP 不仅能够免除学生的学费,对于“成熟”学生会有更多优待。OSAP 新策主要目的还是希望“成熟”学生能够通过学习进修获得更好的工作机会。(OSAP规定,“成熟”包括单身的“独立”学生、结婚/同居类学生以及独身父母,通常来说,高中毕业未满四年的学生被归类为“依赖学生”不论学生是否独立生活。)



Oliver Hua
Sales Rep.
Real Land Realty Inc., Brokerage

https://truerealtoronto.blogspot.ca Email: realtorontario@outlook.com
Cell:     1-647-468-0166

Phone: 647-351-2727
Fax: 647-351-2726
250 Consumers road, unit 509, 
Toronto, M2J 4V6

https://truerealtoronto.blogspot.ca/ facebook.com/realtor.Oliver.Hua


Auberge on the Park Grand Opening

Auberge is one of North York’s Best Selling Communities with over 460 Suites Sold

Following the success of Auberge on the Park, comes Auberge II – Tridel’s newest opportunity to live amidst plentiful parklands at the corner of Leslie and Eglinton. Both Towers offer spacious suite designs featuring generous terraces and balconies complemented by European-inspired elegance. Auberge on the Park promises a comfortable and relaxing lifestyle steps away from the Sunnybrook Park Eglinton Crosstown LRT station** and Sunnybrook Park.

Airy Two-Storey Lofts

Choose from one of eleven luxurious two-storey lofts located on the fifth floor of Auberge on the Park. With light-filled layouts, expansive outdoor spaces, and premium Miele appliances, the lofts at Auberge on the Park are ideally suited for both private reflection and social gatherings.
From 1307 sq.ft.

Spacious Townhomes

Seven exclusive two-storey townhome addresses form the pedestal of Auberge on the Park. Thoughtfully designed living spaces and high-end finishes like premium Miele appliances make these homes the perfect private retreats amid the natural beauty of the outdoors, with all the ease and convenience of living in the heart of the city.
From 1,300 sq.ft.

Expansive Terrace Suites

Perfect for entertaining indoors or under the stars, the cascading terraces of Auberge on the Park are your bridge between the splendor of the outdoors and the exquisite comforts that await inside. These spacious light-drenched suites come with upscale finishes including premium Miele appliances.
From 1,330 sq.ft.

The Eglinton Crosstown LRT**

The future Eglinton Crosstown LRT** will feature an accessible, surface-level stop right at Leslie and Eglinton.

Amenities with a Natural Appeal.

Auberge On The Park offers a selection of luxury amenities such as two-storey Lobby, party room and outdoor pool.

Modern and Elegantly Chic Interior Design.

Stunning park views and terraces are just the beginning. Auberge on the Park is a truly dynamic expression of architecture.

【盛地实业】Vendome Condos-Markham极具投资价值楼花,即将内部开盘!

  • 开发商:H & W Developments
  • 建筑师:DIALOG
  • 室内设计师:Tomas Pearce Interior Design Consulting Inc.
  • 建筑物类别:High Rise
  • 公寓单元总数:535
  • 入住日期:2020
  • 十字路口:Hwy7 & Warden Ave
  • Markham:1 Clegg Road, Markham, ON
  • 地址:1 Clegg Road, Markham, ON
    Markham ON
  • 特色
  • 【楼盘名称】Vendôme Condos
    【开发商】 H & W Developments
    【楼盘地址】1 Clegg Road, Markham, ON
    【主要路口】近Highway 7 & Warden
    【交房日期】 2020

    Markham极具投资价值的项目Vendôme Condos即将内部开盘!

    Vendôme Condos是位于WardenHighway 71 Clegg Rd),由HW Developments的全新公寓和联排别墅,地处万锦中心。价格从四十余万起,总共有535个单位。俯瞰门口花园, 举步周围的高科技公司,预计将于2020年竣工。 
    • 步行可到达YRT车站以及Unionville Go Train 火车站
    • 车程1分钟到达Hwy 7
    • 3分钟即达Hwy407/404
    • downtown Markham, 以及即将建成的约克大学Markham校区咫尺之遥
    • 楼盘周边绿化充足,赏心悦目,未来将建成两个公园
    • 毗邻国际化高科技办公楼区,极具投资价值该地段交通十分便利,交通得分为98/100。以下为一些亮点:
  • 【楼盘亮点】


    高中名校,留学热点学校:Unionville(连年安省平均排名第4)Markville2015排名安省第四名)和特鲁多高中,Bill Crothers Secondary School-体育类名牌高中约克大学城新校区热点。无论是自住还是投资,深具升值空间!
    靠近Unionville GO Station靠近Seneca CollegeVIP电影院,Wholefood超级市场,交通,生活便利。


  • Regards,
    Oliver Hua
    Sales Rep.
    Real Land Realty Inc., Brokerage
    Email: realtorontario@outlook.com
    Cell:     1-647-468-0166

    Phone: 647-351-2727
    Fax: 647-351-2726
    250 Consumers road, unit 509, 
    Toronto, M2J 4V6

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    *We do not represent the builder 此网页不代表开发商


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