Dear Sir / Madam,
My name is Oliver Hua, a Chinese poet / Toronto licensed realtor.
Browse through Haiqing Hua's poems and quotes. 147 poems of Haiqing Hua. Still I Rise, The Road Not Taken, If You Forget Me, Dreams, Annabel Lee. during the 1980s, Haiqing has published over 200 poems in Chinese publication, and after 1989, he s.
Recently, I am hosting a series of business opportunities from North America through YouTube (
I am inviting you to record an introduction of your business through and send it to me along with your website, and PR articles etc. so that I can
use them in my program.
Following are the steps:
1: make sure you have a microphone connected to your computer
3: when ready, click on
5: stop when you done:
6: you can click return to continue or click listen to hear your record:
7: you can click stop or pause, or click "Click here to save"
8: when click save you get the link below:
and send it to me.
Thank you very much.
Oliver Hua,
Chinese Poet/Toronto Licensed Realtor